
Saturday, August 2, 2014

Horseback Riding On The Beach Bradenton/Anna Maria Island

Looking for something new and exciting to do? How about horeseback riding on the beach? Or even better- How about riding a horse that is swimming in the bay?! Cool, right?! Well in Bradenton, FL you can do just that!

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We noticed people riding horses in Palma Sola Bay on our way to Anna Maria Island from Bradenton and I had to look more into it. It turns out you can pay to go out with a guide who will help you ride a horse that is actually swimming! They can also teach you how to HorseSurf™ and HorseSki™if you want. It looks like so much fun!

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Price: $124.95 per person plus sales tax

You can search for available dates here as this experience is by appointment only and apparently sells out quite frequently. You must make your appointment 12 hours in advance and no refunds are offered. You can contact BeachHorses.com at 941-907-7272 if you have any questions or want to book an appointment during normal business hours.

The site location is off of Manatee Ave in Bradenton. Look for a truck and a horse trailer!

Your ride will last approximately one hour in which the first half will be spent riding the horse on the beach and the second half will be spent in the water. You will be able to try HorseSurfing if you would like where you stand on the back of the horse while he/she is swimming! After the ride, you will have an opportunity to pose with your horse on the beach for some photos. Spectators are allowed as everything takes place at a public park so bring someone who can take photos or a water proof camera so you can take some yourself!
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What to bring:


-Dry clothes

-Sunscreen (That Florida sun is brutal!)

-Waterproof Camera

-Extra cash to tip your guide (not required but recommended)

I'm super excited to try this out next time we visit Bradenton! I will definitely share our experience when we do.

Have you ever done anything like this? I'd love to hear about your experience!


  1. That sounds awesome. A little expensive for how short the ride is... but it seems like a great experience!! Let me know when you plan on going!! Thanks for the great blogs, keep up the good work!! <3

    1. I agree, it is a little pricey but it's definitely an experience!

      Thanks for all of the love Stacey! <3

  2. This looks like so much fun! I'm heading to Amelia Island in a couple of weeks and they also do horse back riding on the beach, I think I'm going to give it a shot if it isn't too expensive!

    1. I definitely had to look up Amelia Island...I've never been! I can't wait to read all about your trip!

  3. I've always wanted to do horse back riding on the beach!

    1. Me too! I bet riding through the bay would be amazing!
