
Friday, October 3, 2014

Five on Friday!

So I've done one of these posts once before but it was a while back so I'm excited to be posting another one to give you a sneak peak of some possible posts to come!  Here are five things I'm looking forward to that are coming up over the next few weeks:

Daytona Beach!

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We're taking a day trip out to Daytona Beach tomorrow because:
     -1. We live in Orlando and it only takes an hour to get there (one of the many reasons I love living in Florida!)
     -2. It's still 80+ degrees here in October. Gotta love "Fall" in Florida! Although there is a 50% chance of rain...can I get a rain dance please?
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    -3. We always go to the same spots when we go to Daytona so I'm looking forward to finding new fun things to do! Possibly some indoor things. Post to come. :)

CHIODOS Concert at the Hard Rock!!
I've never been to a show at the Hard Rock and am super excited to see my favorite band there next weekend! (Yes, I love heavy metal screaming emo bands. Rock on! \m/)
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Jacksonville on the 11th
One of my very good friends is having her bridal shower at her house in Jacksonville and I'm super excited to get up there and see her! She recently bought a house so I can't wait to see how things have progressed since we were last there. Love you Jenn!! ♥

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(College throwback!!!)

If you haven't seen my post on this awesome annual event in Orlando, take a look now! I can't wait to dress Chipper up and take him out to mingle with all the other dogs!
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UCF Football!
We are planning on going to our first UCF game of the year on Oct 25th and I can't wait! LET'S GO KNIGHTS!!!  #ChargeOn
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(Not my favorite picture of me but my ONLY picture with Knightro...how is that even possible?! Maybe we can change that on the 25th!)

As you can see, we're keeping pretty busy in October! (Story of my life!) What are you looking forward to coming up this month?

Thank you to North Carolina Charm for hosting this Five on Friday Link Up!


  1. Have you been to Aunt Catfish's in Port Orange (just south of DB)? If not, its worth a visit. Yummy seafood and a KILLER salad bar. Oh, and cinnamon rolls. Just don't go right at dinner time, they are packed on the weekends.

    1. I haven't! I'll definitely have to check it out! Thank you for the recommendation. :)
