
Friday, June 6, 2014

Have a Laugh at The IMPROV at Point Orlando

Every once in a while we get free tickets to the Improv from work and I never turn them down! Who doesn't like a good laugh?

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The Improv is a comedy club located upstairs (next to Adobe Gillas) at the Point Orlando shopping center on International Drive in Orlando.

The theater holds about 250 people and the tables are pretty close together to make the venue look full. They also like to fill in all available spots so be prepared to make some new friends if you come with a party of less than 4 because you will most likely be sitting with other people! We've been sat with other people a couple times but everyone is always really friendly! Everyone is there to have a good time. If you want to sit up front, you have to get there early or you will end up in one of the two back rows (which still isn't bad seating). We honestly haven't had a bad seat yet! If you are going with a big group, keep in mind that your ENTIRE group must be with you before they sit you! They don't make exceptions for this rule either so make sure everyone is there if you want to sit together and make sure everyone is over 21 as they check id's at the door.

Our view from the second row of seating:  photo _DSC9139s.jpg

There are comment cards on all of the tables and if you put down your email address, you could be selected for free tickets to a show!

Seating in the second row:  photo _DSC9140s.jpg

The comedy club is attached to Fat Fish Blue which is where your food and drinks will come from if you order any. The food is pretty good and their menu is priced decently. I recommend the chicken quesadilla. Yummm! We usually end up eating there when we go because there typically isn't enough time to get something to eat between getting off work and getting to the club.

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We saw Felipe Esparza the last time we were there and he was hilarious! There are usually two opening acts (three on some nights) which are really hit or miss and then the headliner is always funny! You can actually catch some big name acts there as well. Check out their calendar here.
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You also have a chance to meet the comedians after the show and buy their merch if you really liked their performance! 

My friends with Felipe Esparza after the show:
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Have you ever been to the Improv or any other comedy club to see a stand up act? Leave a comment below about your experience!