
Monday, June 9, 2014

Hummus Prize Pack From Taverna Opa

I won a hummus prize pack from Taverna Opa by entering a contest online and had to share because it's super cute!

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I've always wanted to try Taverna Opa and now have a reason to since the prize pack included a gift card along with the wooden mortar and pestle, recipe for their hummus and all of the ingredients in a mason jar ready to be ground up! We had to give it a try after my little photo shoot and it was awesome!!! I was inspired to cook chicken gyros for dinner to complement the appetizer which came out amazing as well.

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Taverna Opa is located upstairs at Pointe Orlando on International Drive in Orlando. We've walked by the restaurant plenty of times later in the evening to find napkins all over the floor and a very fun vibe flowing through the open doors. They also have belly dancers at 7pm every night! I can't wait to give this place a try and share our experience with you!

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Have you ever been to Taverna Opa or a similar Greek restaurant? Let's hear about it!


  1. That's awesome!! I have always wanted to try Taverna Opa too... Especially since I have worked in the Pointe for 4+ years. :) Can't wait to hear about your experience!!

  2. That looks awesome. I've never been there, but it sounds awesome!
